Well Deserved.

Karson was filled with pride when he arrived home from school.  Today was the day he finished his "marathon" and was congratulated with a t-shirt from his running coach at school.  He was tickled pink and beaming at his accomplishment.
"Nice dimples"
As mentioned before in a previous blog post, one of the teacher's at the school organized a running group.  Each child in the running group had a goal of completing a "marathon" by running one kilometre each day for 42 days.  Due to rainy weather it actually took longer than 42 days but nonetheless it was completed resulting in a kid filled with confidence and a huge sense of achievement.

It should be noted that other kids initiated the marathon but stopped for whatever reason.  These kids were still verbally recognized for trying and encouraged to attempt the marathon again next year.  I am thankful for our little school and the great teachers and role models that are found there.  What a great way to promote physical activity and build self-efficacy and confidence.  


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