I have to admit that I am usually the person around here that advocates for setting caught animal pests free but my cage has been rattled one too many times.  Something has killed my female duck and her eight ducklings, a hen and her chick, two other hens and one rooster.  My neighbour has now lost 9 laying hens; six were killed in last night.  That being said....no more Mr. Nice Guy....IT'S ON!

Larrin has successfully caught and disposed of 3 raccoons in the barn but I'm not convinced they were the culprits of my raids.  They were definitely not responsible for the neighbours losses because the remains that were left resemble the work of a weasel of fischer; seemingly untouched dead chickens.  My culprit takes the kills somewhere else because there is no trace of anything.  Not even feathers or blood.

Today I plotted and prepared.  Chicken coop reinforced so there are no small crevices for predators to get in.  A night camera was borrowed and will be set up in the neighbours chicken yard to catch the culprit on camera. We will also set a live trap at the neighbours since her predator seems to be the deadliest.   I kind of feel a bit like "Dog the Bounty Hunter".

I'll let you know what we catch/see.


  1. This could have been titled "ALRIGHT!"

  2. so far I have 2 pictures of a raccoon!!! Last night he/she got into the live trap, ate half the tuna and left!!!!!
    I now hate raccoons.

  3. So it seems raccoons are our culprits! Have caught 4 in total at the barn. I feel we need to catch the one at neighbour Alyson's house. He seems to be the deadliest and the trickiest. I swear he has horns, fangs and a devil's tail!


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