One of those days

It's definitely going to be "one of those days" where I am pulled in all different directions and many story lines are developing.  Here's a snapshot of what I have to look forward to for my Thursday.

#1 Home-"Down Cow"
Umbrah (Very Good 85 by the way) has hypocalcemia and a left displaced abomasum (Larrin and I's diagnosis).  Intravenous calcium and dextrose was given this morning at 530 am but she has yet to get up.  Her front leg muscles are twitching which makes me think she needs more calcium.  Intradermal calcium was given for slower absorption and hopefully she will get up but a message was left for our herd veterinarian because even if she does get up we will need him to fix the 'twisted stomach'.  This will be done at some point today. (note to self, call home and check on cow and Larrin)

#2 Work-Skills for Health Promotion Workshop
This 2-day workshop starts today at work and it would be very valuable to my public health career.  Since my secret goal is to work in Health Promotion with the school health team this would be a tremendous asset to have listed on my resume when an internal job gets posted (one coming up soon).  Today is not my scheduled day to work but I signed up anyways.  I need to attend this workshop today and tomorrow.  (note to self, prepare resume and hand in to HR incase job is posted while away)

#3 Health-Bladder Infection
Yes, I have one.  My body tried to tell me this yesterday and I ignored it.  This morning at 400 am I got the message loud and clear.  Doctor's office opens at 900 am and closes for lunch at noon until 100 pm (exactly when training breaks for lunch).  I have to get antibiotics today.  When? Haven't plotted that yet. (note to self, call doctor already, jeez)

#4 Boys-Baseball
I wasn't going to be the coach but when nobody signed up I caved and agreed to do it.  We have a game tonight at 615pm.  Fabulous!  (note to self, suck it up and get through it)

#5 Preparing for my week away
I know this is something to look forward to and I shouldn't be complaining about everything else when in 3 days I will be GONE.  However, there is a lot of preparation involved when the CEO of a household will be absent for a week.  None of this will be done today but it will be in the back of my mind. (note to self, three more sleeps)

Hope everyone has a great day.....I know I will!


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