Short Update

As follow up to yesterday's blog post.

1) Umbrah the cow is better.  She is up and her left abomasum is no longer displaced thanks to two vet calls.  We had her recuperating outside for a bit but moved her back into the barn where the temperature is more tolerable for her.  She is eating and drinking so those are great signs.

2) Two day health promotion training is complete.  During mingling at lunch I learned that there is a permanent full-time position in Communicable Disease coming up.  A permanent job where I can accrue  Cross your fingers on that one;)  Turns out the job with the school team is not available just yet but that's okay.

3) Antibiotics were retrieved from pharmacy at 8pm last night.  Starting to feel better.

4) Boys baseball game was awesome.  All players hit the ball and we even had outs at first and second base.  Chase pitched and the team got 3 outs in 4 batters.  Karson learned to not swing at pitches that bounce before the plate because it makes you look 'silly'.

5) Two more sleeps until vacation.  Going to try and relax the rest of today and deal with my 'list' tomorrow after  Karson and Arlen's soccer game.

That's all!!!!


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