
Showing posts from June, 2011


Please entertain my venting..... I have a "friend" that has applied for a new position at her work.  She heard through the grapevine that she was the only person that applied but the powers that be think she is unqualified for the position.  She also heard through the grapevine that she was granted an interview to "eliminate her" from the competition and then the job can be reposted for other applicants.  Also note that there is a union in place so the 'powers' would have to deem her unfit in order to be able to give the position to someone else.  Unbelievable? No.  Going to prove everyone wrong?  Absolutely.   And yes.  This is another "ALRIGHT" or "IT'S ON" moment.  


I admit that there are times when I say to myself, "You are so not a runner, why are you even doing this?"  I refer to this as negative self-talk and it does creep up on me every once and a while.  If I let "it" win then it results in me making excuses to not go for a run but when I don't let it win I feel empowered.  By overcoming the negative I then win and it results in a great feeling.   I have NEVER finished a run (no matter how painful or horrible I felt) and regretted it.  That's got to say something.  And for those who don't understand,'ll have to start running if you want to figure it out.

Best Hamstring Stretch Ever!!!

After months of running without stretching (very bad thing to do) accompanied by a lot of time spent at my desk at work, I have developed some tight, inflexible hamstrings.  To counteract this I remind myself at work to attempt to fit some walks outside or around the building into my daily routine.  I also do dynamic stretching pre-activity and static stretching post-activity and of course I am noticing dramatic changes in my flexibility. While on my cruise vacation the trainer at the gym showed me this awesome hamstring stretch and I thought I would share.  You need a towel and a comfy spot to lie on your back.  Assume this position... A variation is to keep the non-stretched leg bent but I prefer it lying flat.  As well, using your hands twist the towel onto itself and use your two hands to "walk" up the towel towards your ankle while pulling your head and shoulders off the ground.  Remember to try not to bounce and the goal is to achieve a slow and ...

The pain paid off

I had a great run tonight.  The whole run I focused on my posture and keeping my abs (I know, even I find it hard to believe I have them) "engaged". I tried to start off slower since I always start too fast and it all seemed to make a difference.  I had to stop myself at 7.1 km because I didn't want to risk injury but I seriously could have kept going.  What a great feeling?  Guess the pain of my last agonizing run paid off. 7.1 km in 46:32 avg speed 6:33min/km

Well Deserved.

Karson was filled with pride when he arrived home from school.  Today was the day he finished his "marathon" and was congratulated with a t-shirt from his running coach at school.  He was tickled pink and beaming at his accomplishment. "Nice dimples" As mentioned before in a previous blog post, o ne of the teacher's at the school organized a running group.  Each child in the running group had a goal of completing a "marathon" by running one kilometre each day for 42 days.  Due to rainy weather it actually took longer than 42 days but nonetheless it was completed resulting in a kid filled with confidence and a huge sense of achievement. It should be noted that other kids initiated the marathon but stopped for whatever reason.  These kids were still verbally recognized for trying and encouraged to attempt the marathon again next year.   I am thankful for our little school and the great teachers and role models that are found there.  What a great...

Lesson learned

I have had a very busy week so far.  Two days of regular, normal work at the health unit, a day to prepare a letter to disagree with a GST/HST audit for the farm, teaching a night prenatal class, and facilitating a two-day in-service for my colleagues on Promoting Maternal Mental Health.  To go along with this, a night of coaching my sons' baseball team and a weekend ahead of working nights. This morning when I was trying to rush out the door I was very mean to my boys.  It was not their fault I was late but I blamed them anyways.  I knew I was wrong as soon as I said the words and am sorry for the burden that I placed on them.  When they get home from school I will explain my actions and apologize.  At times like this, I tell myself it is time to regroup and do better. I have an extremely bad track record for piling my plate too full.  As part of my strive for healthy balance, I vow to never do this again.  I have learned that I can't do it a...

Moving on up to 6 km.

Ran 6 km for the first time ever tonight.  Felt horrible but "no pain no gain".  Kept an even pace throughout running 6:53 min/km.  My hope is that eventually running 6 km will be as easy as running 2 km now.  Until then I will keep plugging away.


I have to admit that I am usually the person around here that advocates for setting caught animal pests free but my cage has been rattled one too many times.  Something has killed my female duck and her eight ducklings, a hen and her chick, two other hens and one rooster.  My neighbour has now lost 9 laying hens; six were killed in last night.  That being more Mr. Nice Guy....IT'S ON! Larrin has successfully caught and disposed of 3 raccoons in the barn but I'm not convinced they were the culprits of my raids.  They were definitely not responsible for the neighbours losses because the remains that were left resemble the work of a weasel of fischer; seemingly untouched dead chickens.  My culprit takes the kills somewhere else because there is no trace of anything.  Not even feathers or blood. Today I plotted and prepared.  Chicken coop reinforced so there are no small crevices for predators to get in.  A night camera was borrowed and...

Short Update

As follow up to yesterday's blog post. 1) Umbrah the cow is better.  She is up and her left abomasum is no longer displaced thanks to two vet calls.  We had her recuperating outside for a bit but moved her back into the barn where the temperature is more tolerable for her.  She is eating and drinking so those are great signs. 2) Two day health promotion training is complete.  During mingling at lunch I learned that there is a permanent full-time position in Communicable Disease coming up.  A permanent job where I can accrue  Cross your fingers on that one;)  Turns out the job with the school team is not available just yet but that's okay. 3) Antibiotics were retrieved from pharmacy at 8pm last night.  Starting to feel better. 4) Boys baseball game was awesome.  All players hit the ball and we even had outs at first and second base.  Chase pitched and the team got 3 outs in 4 batters.  Karson learned to not sw...

One of those days

It's definitely going to be "one of those days" where I am pulled in all different directions and many story lines are developing.  Here's a snapshot of what I have to look forward to for my Thursday. #1 Home-"Down Cow" Umbrah (Very Good 85 by the way) has hypocalcemia and a left displaced abomasum (Larrin and I's diagnosis).  Intravenous calcium and dextrose was given this morning at 530 am but she has yet to get up.  Her front leg muscles are twitching which makes me think she needs more calcium.  Intradermal calcium was given for slower absorption and hopefully she will get up but a message was left for our herd veterinarian because even if she does get up we will need him to fix the 'twisted stomach'.  This will be done at some point today. (note to self, call home and check on cow and Larrin) #2 Work-Skills for Health Promotion Workshop This 2-day workshop starts today at work and it would be very valuable to my public health career.  ...

It's nice to know you are needed.....

Just take a look at the picture.  Either Larrin needs longer arms or his wife needs to take care of him a bit better.  This is what happens when I'm not around:) I just want everyone to know that SPF 60 was applied before I left for work today.

Bliss Moments

The last few weeks have been hard to swallow on the home front.  Our precious baby duckling passed away and Karina our 'prize' cow's fate was determined with a negative pregnancy check.  And of course,  too many consecutive days of rain halted the progress of crop planting.  I do realize that things could be a lot worse and believe me Larrin and I tell each other that on a regular basis; it reminds us that 'such is life' and our problems are quite small in comparison to other peoples' in this world. Over the years Larrin and I have tried to anticipate the good when things are not quite going our way.  When we are on the down swing of our life rollercoaster I always try to look to the future weeks and imagine how good they will be.  And well, my dreams have come true and a good week is upon us. Yesterday on my morning trek to feed my 'hobby' animals, I found this. Eight beautiful, healthy ducklings.  Their proud 'mama' was keeping close watc...