And It Begins.....

Okay, so I started a blog.  Why?  Not sure.  I can only say that part of me feels lost in the chaos of life and this seems like a great way to organize thoughts and possibly rediscover myself.

I am a self-proclaimed polymath.  No, I don't think I am a genius.  My definition of a polymath is someone that has knowledge or skills in a bunch of different areas.  My mind is always curious to learn new things and master new skills.  This constant drive for personal growth has weirdly enough caused me to lose sight of some aspects of my life that were once very important to me.

A simple example is that I used to love to draw and would spend hours of time with my nose stuck in a sketching book.  Drawing was once relaxing and inspiring to me so why haven't I done it in years?  Who knows?  I bet everyone has a "drawing" example  and to be honest probably everyone's simple answer for not doing it anymore would be well "life is busy".  I am here to challenge that simple answer and suggest we must all to strive for a "healthy balance" and not forget what makes us unique and gosh darn it...happy.

So there you have it, my first post so I guess it's now official.  I'm excited about this new beginning but my husband doesn't know whether to be "happy or scared".  Guess we'll see!


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