An Unexpected Reminder

There has been a hen sitting on eggs in my flower bed for quite a while.  Whenever we walk by her we always peek in and see if there is any hatching going on.

We had just come back from visiting a neighbour and Chase checked in on our hen.  He screamed for me to come quick.  I grabbed my phone and caught this scene.  Not sure how the video will look but it shows a tiny, wet chick just hatching out of an egg.

It is times like this that make me appreciate the life that I have.  Not too many people get to experience moments such as this one.  Times like these give me an extra breath of fresh air and allow me to overlook the fact that my kitchen smells like manure and that there are thousands of flies in my house on any given day.

This farm has always been my safe haven and little piece of my personal country perfection.  I can still remember the feeling I had when my parents introduced me to my childhood horse.  How I could ride all over the farm and all of my problems seemed to disappear.  I remember the thrill of delivering my first calf, of "curing" my first down cow, and hearing the news that my first artificial insemination had actually resulted in a cow becoming pregnant.  I look back on days of endless work, haying and fixing fence with my father.  I look back and laugh at when I changed a wagon tire with my then eighty something Grandfather and how we both couldn't believe we managed to put it on backwards.

All of these things may seem silly and most people probably wouldn't understand how anyone could be so happy about such things.  But what it all comes down to is this farm is such a huge part of who I am and for some reason an old hen hatching a chick just reminded me of that.


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