A New Adventure Just For Me.

I like to think that I am a "crafty" person and I have successfully taught myself how to sew, crochet, knit, draw and paint.  Before I was a nurse and before I had children I used to sell my wares at a local craft market with a friend.  We were mildly successful in our first year but then both of us were pregnant and well time was scarce so we stopped.

A fond memory I have of my Grandmother Bryan is that she always was creating a quilting masterpiece in her living room.  I remember handing her pieces as she sewed quilting blocks and helping her roll the quilt on her quilt stand.  She was a very talented lady and I bet she made over 100 quilts in her lifetime; for weddings, anniversaries, new babies or whatever people asked for.

I've tried my hand in quilting as well.  I've started piecing a "friendship quilt" and I think I managed to finish 5 blocks.  I loved sewing the fabric together to create a pattern but never really could fit my hobby into my day.  When my coworker said she was taking a beginner quilting class I thought this would be a great way to "find the time".

I registered for the class, bought my fabric and supplies and have devoted the next 8 wednesday nights to creating a quilt.  I know that the class will be useful in that I will learn new quilting and sewing techniques but the main purpose it will serve is keeping me accountable to putting the time in.

I'll keep you posted how the classes are going.  I am so looking forward to the above fabric magically turning into a work of art.


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