Brockville California Run 5K

Exactly 15 minutes before the start of this race I realized my Garmin was dead.  I haven't run without some sort of timekeeping device....EVER.  I let this bother me for all of 10 seconds since there was really not much I could do.  Larrin had dropped me off and I left all of my other belongings with him so it was quite obvious I had to manage without knowing my time, distance, speed etc.  No biggie, this was kind of a fun run anyways.

There were a few other people from work there; one girl running the 10K and 2 others walking the 5K.  My partner in crime at work showed up with her daughter to take pictures and watch the goings on.  I'm trying to convince her to start running so it was nice for her to see what really goes on at these "race days".  Before the race I also ran into a girl I went to nursing school and it was nice to catch up with her.

I felt good about the first 2.5K (or at least I think it was 2.5K), got water at the water station and walked since I haven't mastered the technique of drinking from a cup and running; pretty close to impossible if you ask me.  I started running again and then I was bombarded with these thoughts; "you need to stop"; "stop and walk"; "you are tired, c'mon just stop"; "it won't make a difference if you stop", "see her, she's walking, just walk."  So to shut all that up, I gave in and walked.  Walking in a 5K...really?  So ridiculous for me.  I got myself running again and finished strong.  I'm still perturbed that I walked...and a bit embarrassed.  I have to stop doing that!!! It is so annoying.

Regardless, my final time was 31m:28s with an average pace of 6m:18s/km.  Not bad but not what I wanted either.  Got to admit though, it was interesting to run without a watch/garmin; my laid back side thought it was liberating and fun while my anxious control-freak side found it overwhelming and torturous.   

Oh well...onward and upward.  I need to scope out and find some races and I'm still thinking of a duathlon too:)


  1. Hi Cheryl
    I've been reading your blog - looks like we have a few things in common. I also have boys (only two though)and we have horses. And of course we have the running in common.
    Sounds like you have had a good couple of runs. The dead garmin would have completely thrown me off, I seem incapable of gaging my pace and would end up all over the place each km.
    Love your idea of no fast food for 90 days. We were sort of forced into life without (much) fast food when my son, then 4, was diagnosed with celiac disease. It's pretty hard to avoid gluten in fast food places so now we are just used to fast food not really being an option.
    Count me as a follower of your blog :)
    P.S - have you checked out Somersault races?

    1. Hi Kristi,
      I probably look at Somersault races 3 times a day:) My next step is actually registering! I feel a bit lost as to what I really what to focus on for the summer and I am a bit of a overthinker. Should I do a half again, maybe a fist duathlon, focus on 10K? The reality is that it doesn't matter....should just sign up for them all and roll with the punches:)

      Sounds like we do have a lot in common. I'll look forward to following along with you. Supporting another busy Mom keeping active is right up my alley!

  2. Too funny! I can't count the number of times I check the somersault schedule. It is hard to decide what to do. I always thought I would stick to 10k's but now I am kind of hooked on the halfs. Part of the reason...I feel more pressure to be fast in a 10k whereas for the half I figure just finishing without dropping is impressive :)


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