Moving on up!

I hope that this post doesn't come across as bragging but I have some exciting work related news. I'm usually very modest when it comes to my nursing career and to be honest, my family and friends really don't even know what I do at work; they know I am there from 830 to 430 and then I come home.    

On Wednesday, my manager announced to our team and then to the rest of the health unit that little old me would be the new team leader for the "Infectious Diseases Program".  I am honoured to have been promoted to this position and I am excited about my new roles and responsibilities (and the small increase in wage).  

It's unreal to think that less than two years ago I was just beginning my nursing career.  I never dreamed that I would come so far in such a short period of time.   It wasn't that long ago I was a novice nurse trying to find my way and now I hold a valued leadership role in my organization.

It is a very satisfying feeling when people, whom you look up to and respect, recognize your commitment, skill, intelligence and most of all, potential.  Life is good!


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