Yes, I am alive.

Finally opened up the old blog today and took a peak.  I find it very interesting that the last post that I had written was the day before I injured my foot hiking.  Yes, hiking.  No running, no twisting, no spraining, no crazy story, just merely glorified walking.  Yeah, a little bit frustrating.

After that family day hike, I had severe foot pain which continued for days after and then reappeared whenever I ran.  Anyways, after getting tired of the resting and re-aggravating cycle, I sought professional help.  Diagnosis: Fibularis/Peroneal Tendonitis (or something like that).  Also known as pain in my ass-itis.

Rest, ultrasound and laser therapy for a month has resulted in a possible healing....I ran 5K on Friday for the first time without pain.  Fingers crossed that this the turning point.

I wanted so bad to run again this weekend but to tell the truth the foot was feeling a little stiff and achy.  So, yesterday I compromised and did a long bike ride.  I biked the half-marathon distance.  Yay!  Just happens to be my longest bike ride ever so I feel very good about that.  It felt great to challenge my leg muscles again.

Not sure what is going to happen with the scheduled half-marathon. It is so close (don't even want to do a countdown) and there isn't a lot of training time left.  I'll just have to wait and see what happens.  There are so many scenarios going through my head but really there isn't much I can do about it.  Ultimately I want to be pain free so that requires rest and not pushing things.

Plan "A" is to be patient and take things slow and reassess in a week.  My hope this week is that I can run another pain free 5K.  Fingers crossed and bring on the Advil!


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